加國政府增撥千萬 創造3500個暑期工作項目





加國聯邦政府5日宣布將增撥1千萬加元給學生暑期工作項目(Canada Summer Jobs),為學生在37,000個工作機會外,再創造3,500個暑期工。此項撥款將給予非營利機構100%補助、公營機構及員工50人以下的小型企業50%補助,以在暑假期間僱用15至30歲的全時學生。

該項目的全部預算將分配給全國308個聯邦選區,由各區國會議員根據區內的需要確定分配優先權。聯邦政府服務部(Service Canada)將公布辦法於網站www.servicecanada.gc.ca/csj2011,並於2月1日起接受各機構申請。


Canada Summer Jobs 2011



“Supporting Students: Serving Communities”

Canada Summer Jobs is a Government of Canada initiative that provides funding to help employers create summer job opportunities for students and is designed to focus on local priorities, while achieving tangible results for both students and their communities.

Canada Summer Jobs is about:

Canada Summer Jobs is focused on encouraging not-for-profit organizations, public sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to create jobs that not only meet their needs, but also benefit students looking to gain work experiences.

The application period for Canada Summer Jobs 2011 will be from February 1 to February 28, 2011. 

Criteria to assess the proposals will focus on:

Locally defined priorities will be made available on February 1, 2011.

Canada Summer Jobs Applicant Guide

To support employers, the Canada Summer Jobs Applicant Guide will be made available on February 1, 2011. It offers information on eligibility requirements, assessment criteria, and the rating scale.

For more information:

More information for employers and youth